Debian HA apache2 server. (pacmeker, corosync)

Instalacia pacemaker: Nastavenie clustru corosync: Hosty web01 a web02 je potrebne nahrav v lokalnom DNS Po spusteni sluzieb: Nastavenie corosync & pacemaker: Vytvorenie flating IP Zmena nastavenia v: Nastavenie apache clustra: Nastavenie skupiny sluzieb:    Send article as PDF   

SYSLOG_NG change date format and send to mysql

Nastavenie casu aky sa ma logovat, posielat do MYSQL.. Nastavenie datumovych premenych: Date-related macros template and rewrite: Format, modify, and manipulate log messages > Customize message format using macros and templates > Date-related macros The macros related to the date of the message (for example: ${ISODATE}, ${HOUR}, and so on) have three further variants each: S_ prefix, for example, ${S_DATE}: The ${S_DATE} macro represents the date found in the log message, that is, when the…

apache2 simple auth + mod porxy

Autorizacia pri pozuti mod proxy v apache2: V subore s danym vhost je potrebne definovat: Pomocou prikazu nagenerovat heslo v htpasswd: Tento prikaz vytvory dany subor. Pre pridanie dalsieho uzivatela treba zadat prikaz:    Send article as PDF