freeradius DHCP SQL static leases
Instalacia serveru:
apt install freeradius freeradius-mysql freeradius-dhcp
Vytvorenie databázy pre mysql DHCP
Potrebne tabulky:
- radcheck – overenie MAC
- radreply – definovanie parametrov MAC
- postauth – LOG ak zariadenie dostalo IP
štruktúra a príklad radcheck:
štruktúra a príklad radreply:
štruktúra a príklad radposauth:
Vytvorenie tabuliek LMS VALA:
CREATE TABLE `wifi_dhcp_radpostauth` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`pass` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`reply` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`authdate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp()
-- Kľúče pre exportované tabuľky
-- Indexy pre tabuľku `radpostauth`
ALTER TABLE `radpostauth`
-- AUTO_INCREMENT pre exportované tabuľky
-- AUTO_INCREMENT pre tabuľku `radpostauth`
ALTER TABLE `radpostauth`
Nastavenie TRIGER pre update hodnot v tabulke nodes s casom kedy posledny krat dostal IP.
CREATE or replace TRIGGER J5_dhcp_radpostauth_triger
AFTER INSERT ON J5_dhcp_radpostauth FOR EACH ROW
update nodestest set lastonline = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NEW.authdate) where mac = NEW.username and NEW.reply != '';
CREATE or replace VIEW `v_staticwifi_radcheck` as
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'Cleartext-Password' AS attribute, ':=' as op, '' as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `nodes`.`wifi` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),'.',1) = 192 and nodes.mac_wifi !='0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
Nova verzia 1.11.2020
CREATE or replace VIEW `v_staticwifi_radcheck` as
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'Cleartext-Password' AS attribute, ':=' as op, '' as value from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi` = `networks`.`address_wifi`) = 1 and nodes.mac_wifi != '0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
CREATE or replace VIEW `v_staticwifi_radreply` as
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Subnet-Mask' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.mask from networks where networks.`net1`= substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3) ) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `nodes`.`wifi` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),'.',1) = 192 and nodes.mac_wifi != '' and nodes.mac_wifi !='0'
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Router-Address' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.wifi_gateway from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3)) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `nodes`.`wifi` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),'.',1) = 192 and nodes.mac_wifi != '' and nodes.mac_wifi !='0'
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.dns from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3)) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `nodes`.`wifi` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),'.',1) = 192 and nodes.mac_wifi != '' and nodes.mac_wifi !='0'
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.dns2 from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),9,3)) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `nodes`.`wifi` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),'.',1) = 192 and nodes.mac_wifi != '' and nodes.mac_wifi !='0'
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Your-IP-Address' AS attribute, ':=' as op, INET_NTOA(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`) AS `value` from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `nodes`.`wifi` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`),'.',1) = 192 and nodes.mac_wifi != '' and nodes.mac_wifi !='0'
Nova verzia 1.11.2020
CREATE or replace VIEW `v_staticwifi_radreply` as
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Subnet-Mask' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`mask` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address_wifi`) = 1 and nodes.mac_wifi != '0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Router-Address' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`wifi_gateway` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi` = `networks`.`address_wifi`) = 1 and nodes.mac_wifi != '0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`dns` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi` = `networks`.`address_wifi`) = 1 and nodes.mac_wifi != '0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`dns2` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi` = `networks`.`address_wifi`) = 1 and nodes.mac_wifi != '0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac_wifi` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Your-IP-Address' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi`) as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr_wifi` = `networks`.`address_wifi`) = 1 and nodes.mac_wifi != '0' and nodes.mac_wifi != ''
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
CREATE or replace VIEW `v_staticBN_radcheck` as
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'Cleartext-Password' AS attribute, ':=' as op, '' as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),'.',1) = 147 and (select `customers`.`seq_servis_zona` AS `seq_servis_zona` from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = `nodes`.`ownerid` and `customers`.`deleted` = 0 and (select `passwd`.`expdate` from `passwd` where `customers`.`id` = `passwd`.`ownerid` limit 1) > unix_timestamp()) = 5
Nova verzia select 27.10.2020:
create or replace view v_staticPO_radcheck as
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'Cleartext-Password' AS attribute, ':=' as op, '' as value from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
CREATE or replace VIEW `v_staticBN_radreply` as
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Subnet-Mask' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.mask from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3) ) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),'.',1) = 147 and (select `customers`.`seq_servis_zona` AS `seq_servis_zona` from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = `nodes`.`ownerid` and `customers`.`deleted` = 0 and (select `passwd`.`expdate` from `passwd` where `customers`.`id` = `passwd`.`ownerid` limit 1) > unix_timestamp()) = 5
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Router-Address' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.gateway from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3)) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),'.',1) = 147 and (select `customers`.`seq_servis_zona` AS `seq_servis_zona` from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = `nodes`.`ownerid` and `customers`.`deleted` = 0 and (select `passwd`.`expdate` from `passwd` where `customers`.`id` = `passwd`.`ownerid` limit 1) > unix_timestamp()) = 5
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.dns from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3)) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),'.',1) = 147 and (select `customers`.`seq_servis_zona` AS `seq_servis_zona` from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = `nodes`.`ownerid` and `customers`.`deleted` = 0 and (select `passwd`.`expdate` from `passwd` where `customers`.`id` = `passwd`.`ownerid` limit 1) > unix_timestamp()) = 5
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS attribute, ':=' as op, (select networks.dns2 from networks where networks.`net1` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3) or networks.`net2` = substr(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),9,3)) as value from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),'.',1) = 147 and (select `customers`.`seq_servis_zona` AS `seq_servis_zona` from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = `nodes`.`ownerid` and `customers`.`deleted` = 0 and (select `passwd`.`expdate` from `passwd` where `customers`.`id` = `passwd`.`ownerid` limit 1) > unix_timestamp()) = 5
select UUID() as 'id', `nodes`.`mac` AS `username`, 'DHCP-Your-IP-Address' AS attribute, ':=' as op, INET_NTOA(`nodes`.`ipaddr`) AS `value` from `nodes` where `nodes`.`access` = 1 and `SPLIT_STRING`(inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`),'.',1) = 147 and (select `customers`.`seq_servis_zona` AS `seq_servis_zona` from `customers` where `customers`.`id` = `nodes`.`ownerid` and `customers`.`deleted` = 0 and (select `passwd`.`expdate` from `passwd` where `customers`.`id` = `passwd`.`ownerid` limit 1) > unix_timestamp()) = 5
Nova verzia 27.10.2020
create or replace view v_staticPO_radreply as
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Subnet-Mask' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`mask` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Router-Address' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`gateway` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`dns` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`dns2` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Domain-Name-Server' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
`networks`.`dns` as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
select uuid() AS `id`,
`nodes`.`mac` AS `username`,
'DHCP-Your-IP-Address' AS `attribute`,
':=' AS `op`,
inet_ntoa(`nodes`.`ipaddr`) as `value`
from `nodes`
inner join networks on
((-1 << (33 - INSTR(BIN(INET_ATON(networks.mask)), "0"))) &
`nodes`.`ipaddr` = `networks`.`address`) = 1 and (networks.seq_servis_zona = 8 or networks.seq_servis_zona = 9)
inner join passwd on passwd.ownerid = nodes.ownerid and passwd.`expdate` > unix_timestamp()
where `nodes`.`access` = 1
Nastavenie freeradius:
- vytvorenie query_dhcp.conf
cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/
cp queries.conf queries_dhcp.conf
V súbore queries_dhcp.conf upraviť premennú:
sql_user_name = "%{DHCP-Client-Hardware-Address}"
group_membership_query = "SELECT 1 from ${postauth_table}"
2. vytvorenie SQL connection modul
cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/
cp sql sqldhcp
V súbore sqldhcp je potrebne nastaviť parametre k databáze a príslušne tabuľky
Na konci súboru je potrebne includnut správny query file:
$INCLUDE ${modconfdir}/${.:name}/main/${dialect}/queries_dhcp.conf
Zmena nastaveni:
read_groups = no
read_profiles = no
3. vytvorenie virtual server
cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-available/
nano wifi-dhcp
server dhcp {
listen {
type = dhcp
ipaddr =
port = 67
interface = ens192
broadcast = no
dhcp DHCP-Discover {
update reply {
DHCP-Message-Type = DHCP-Offer
update reply {
#DHCP-Domain-Name-Server =
DHCP-IP-Address-Lease-Time = 3600
DHCP-DHCP-Server-Identifier =
dhcp DHCP-Request {
update reply {
DHCP-Message-Type = DHCP-Ack
update reply {
#DHCP-Domain-Name-Server =
DHCP-IP-Address-Lease-Time = 3600
DHCP-DHCP-Server-Identifier =
dhcp {
Úprava LOG do MYSQL:
nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/queries_dhcp.conf
V „post-auth {“ query pozmeniť premennú:
'%{reply:Packet-Type}', \
zmenit na:
'%{reply:DHCP-Your-IP-Address}', \
group_membership_query = "SELECT id from ${postauth_table} where id =1"
Nastavenie modulu linelog
linelog linelog-dhcp {
filename = ${logdir}/linelog-dhcp.log
format = ""
reference = "%{%{reply:DHCP-Message-Type}:-%{request:DHCP-Message-Type}}"
DHCP-Discover = "%S --> Transaction-ID: %{DHCP-Transaction-Id} DISCOVER: [%{DHCP-Client-Hardware-Address}] via (%{DHCP-Gateway-IP-Address}), hop count = %{DHCP-Hop-Count}, Relay = %{DHCP-Relay-Remote-Id}, Hostname = %{DHCP-Hostname}"
DHCP-Offer = "%S <-- Transaction-ID: %{DHCP-Transaction-Id} OFFER: %{reply:DHCP-Your-IP-Address} to [%{DHCP-Client-Hardware-Address}] ..."
DHCP-Request = "%S --> Transaction-ID: %{DHCP-Transaction-Id} REQUEST: [%{DHCP-Client-Hardware-Address}] via (%{DHCP-Gateway-IP-Address}), hop count = %{DHCP-Hop-Count}, Relay = %{DHCP-Relay-Remote-Id} ..."
DHCP-Ack = "%S <-- Transaction-ID: %{DHCP-Transaction-Id} ACK: %{reply:DHCP-Your-IP-Address} to [%{DHCP-Client-Hardware-Address}] ..."
DHCP-NAK = "%S <-- Transaction-ID: %{DHCP-Transaction-Id} NAK: [%{DHCP-Client-Hardware-Address}] for %{request:DHCP-Client-IP-Address}; ..."
0 = "%S -/- Transaction-ID: %{DHCP-Transaction-Id} %{request:DHCP-Message-Type} DROPPED: ..."